What is a private rubbish collection service?

A private rubbish collection service is a service carried out by a waste management company, independent from the local council, which empties your household wheelie bins.


Often, these services are carried out on alternative weeks to the UK government’s usual collection schedule. This is because every household in the UK is entitled to council provided bin collections and so the private rubbish collections are most useful during weeks where the government does not collect. 


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Why private rubbish collection services are becoming a necessity

The UK government is focusing their waste management efforts on reducing the frequency of household bin collections from once a week to every two weeks. This is largely to cut the economic costs of carrying out a weekly service and to encourage more recycling. 


Now, only one in six councils collect general waste from residential homes on a weekly basis. The majority of others have adopted a fortnightly schedule.


Some, such as Falkirk and Conwy, have even moved to monthly collections and 15 other areas have collections every three weeks.

UK private rubbish bin collection frequency graph

The reason private rubbish collection services are now becoming a necessity is that the reduced collection frequency is leaving many households with overflowing, smelly bins. Which not only leaves a stinking eyesore but also an impractical and unhealthy living condition for residents. 


Getting your bins collected more frequently by using a private rubbish collection service will prevent you from having overflowing bins.



Who benefits the most from private bin collections?

There are three main groups of people who benefit greatly from having private bin collections. In this section, we will discuss who they are, why they need more frequent collections and any additional benefits they may receive from using a private collection service. 



Large Families (4 or more):

One of the most common formations of large households is when large families inhabit them. Families produce a lot of waste each week and, unsurprisingly, larger ones even more so. 

Large family smiling at the camera

Families are often made up of dependents, whether that be children or the elderly, who produce a fair amount of rubbish by themselves. Combine that with the waste produced by the family homeowners and add multiple dependents and you can easily start to imagine the sheer amounts of rubbish larger families produce. 


In fact, the average family in the UK throws away 24 meals a month. A shocking amount. And you can assume that it would be even more for larger families


So, the main reason that big families will need private rubbish collections is that they are producing more waste than they have council collections available. Put another way, their bins would overflow otherwise – leaving a really unhealthy living condition for the dependents. 


A private collection service will ensure that they have their bins emptied as frequently as they need.



Cohabiting Professionals:

Professionals living in urban areas often share accommodation in order to save on living costs. 

Three cohabiting professionals

However, because these households are typically made up of diverse individuals, there are far fewer opportunities to share groceries and other consumables because each individual likely wants to ‘buy in’ their own preferences. 


One professional may want semi-skimmed milk whilst one prefers full-fat for instance. Instead of sharing one container, now they will have two. 


This problem tends to repeat itself for a lot of items and can repeat for every new individual added to the house. You could, potentially, have a household of 4 professionals with 4 variations of milk for instance –  and you could have the same thing for every food purchase. 


As such, cohabiting professionals will likely need a private rubbish collection service because they are producing a lot of duplicated waste and their bins will simply overfill if they only have the council’s fortnightly option. 



Those needing large one-off collections:

The final ‘group’ of people who will benefit greatly from private bin collections are not a group so to speak. They are people who may produce a large amount of waste in a short space of time, usually because of a special occasion. 

A yellow skip perfect for a private rubbish collection

Occasions which create a lot of household waste include things such as parties, decorating, moving house, the festive period. 


Unlike large families and cohabiting professionals, these people will not need a private contract to have regular waste collections and will favour a quick one-time solution/pickup for their household rubbish. 


A skip is a great one-time solution for these people as it is a large waste container which will not be returned to the household after it has been emptied (unless multiple disposals are requested). 



Domestic bin collection service types

There are many types of domestic bin collection services a household could take advantage of. This section will outline each type.


General Waste:

General waste is all the rubbish you put into your black/grey bin. This waste cannot be recycled. Having a general waste private rubbish collection service will involve picking up and emptying these bins on alternative weeks to your local council or on set days you choose. 



Recycling is the rubbish which you put into your blue wheelie bin. Similar to a general waste private bin collection service, this bin can be picked up and emptied on alternative weeks to your council or on days suited to your convenience. 

Mum and daughter recycling green plastic bottles

Food Waste: 

Having a private rubbish collection for food waste is a fantastic way to help the environment. Instead of putting your banana skins and other food produce into your general waste bin, you can put it into a separate bin provided by your private waste management company. This bin can then be emptied and taken to an anaerobic recycling facility rather than landfill. 


Glass Waste:

A private domestic bin collection servicer can provide you with an individual waste container for your glass. You can put glass bottles and jars of any colour in there and the servicer will take your glass waste to the appropriate glass recycling facility. 


Skip Hire:

This is an ideal private service for households who need a one-off collection after special occasions such as parties, decorating or around the festive period.



The environmental benefits to using a private rubbish collection service

There are some brilliant environmental benefits to using a private waste service for your household rubbish. 


Having separate bins for specific types of waste will ensure that as much of your rubbish is being recycled and not needlessly sent to landfill as possible. 


If you are currently putting the majority of your waste into your general waste black bin, you have a fantastic opportunity to use a private service to reduce your carbon footprint easily. 

Carbon footprint green leaves

Sending household rubbish to landfill is extremely harmful to the environment. Food waste sent to landfill, for instance, decomposes and turns into methane gas. This is a greenhouse gas and contributes significantly to climate change


Simply having a food waste bin and a reliable private servicer to collect the food waste, means that this refuse is not sent to landfill and can instead be used to create biofuel or fertilizer. 



How PBC can help you

PBC is a fully licensed private rubbish collection service set up to specifically help households in Leeds, Bradford, and Birmingham. We understand your household waste needs and have a team dedicated to help you effectively manage your rubbish without any hassle. 


Contact us today and we can advise you on the best services available to you so that you no longer have to deal with overfilled smelly bins whilst reducing your carbon footprint. 


Get a free quote from our team today!

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