The bin collection services Leeds county council offer run on a fortnightly basis. That means each of your wheelie bins are collected every other week, leaving around a 13 day period between each collection.


This means that your bins are likely full to the brim or even worse overflowing. This is incredibly annoying, smelly, and unhealthy but your council simply do not have the resources for a more frequent bin collection schedule in Leeds.


What’s even worse is when your council misses your bin collection and because its been 2 weeks since it was last collected, your next collection will be for a months worth of waste. You can imagine how horrible this situation is and you may have experienced it. More frequent collections would prevent that.


That’s where we come in. At PBC we offer private bin collection services in Leeds on alternative weeks to your council on days requested by you. We can create a customised package so that you no longer have to deal with overfilled and stinking bins. We offer general waste collection, recycling collection, glass collection, and more to our Leeds customers.


The reason the UK government and local councils have pushed collections to a fortnightly schedule is due to a combination of not having enough resources/it costing too much and to encourage residents to recycle more and send less to landfill.


Whilst we fully agree with the latter part of their reasoning we feel as though it is largely an economic decision. This implies that, given unlimited funds for the government, the local councils would collect more often because that would offer a service the public can rely on.


That’s why we set up PBC. We are filling in the gaps in your bin collection schedule in Leeds so that you never have to deal with unwanted waste ever again.


Contact us today to get a free quote and we can arrange a package for you customised perfectly for you.